Week 1 : 01-11-2022 - 04-11-2022 As per B. Ed curriculum our third semester teaching practice for forty days started on first November 2021. I got Kristraj Higher Secondary School, Kollam for my internship programme. Along with me Simi from my Social Science optional, Ashna and Ahinasha from English optional, Amitha, Kripa and Dona from Physical Science optional and Athul from Natural Science optional were also there. I got IX D and VIII E for teaching. The concerned teacher in IX assigned me to take chapter 6 "India the land of synthesis" from Part 2 of Social Science 1. It deals with growth and development of music, architecture, painting, sculpture, literature and religious beliefs in the medival India. The concerned teacher of VIII E assigned me to take the chapter 10 " Blanket of Earth" from part 3. Atmosphere, components of atmosphere, green house effect, ozone depletion and structure of atmosphere were discussed in Blanket of Earth. As a B.Ed trainee the school experience was an entirely new one.
Activities of the week
Spectacle distribution for students
I continued the same chapter along with activities. Growth of regional languages, literature, music were discussed in IX D. In VIII E the chapter "Blanket of Earth" completed and started new chapter "India and Economic Planning" which deals economic planning in India, evolution of planning and objectives of planning. The students were attentive and engaged in activities. Pupil response was good and satisfying. Black board writing skill, introducing skill and questioning skill were improved.
Week 3 - 14- 11-2022- 18-11-2022
I concluded the chapter "India the Land of synthesis" in IX D. In VIII E continued the same chapter "India and Economic Planning". This week our optional techer visited for class observation and commented on my class such as to use chart as teaching aid. Then she pointed out that I didn't write tittle of lesson on the black board which I forgot out of tension. She also insisted me to make sure that the name of persons should be mentioned while showing their pictures. In between I forgot the name of Varghese Kurian to mention in the class. But I tried my best to hide out that I forgot his name to the students and teacher. But our teacher found it and appreciated my effort to cover it up. I put all my efforts more to teach them well and corrected my flaws pointed out. There was vaccination camp organized for the UP students. Discussion were held in classroom under the guidance of classteacher about revision of their curriculum. Our teching practise take interval for two weeks. Teaching practise will be resumed from 5-12-2022 after the university examinations.
Activities of the week
Children day celebration
After a short break of 10 days we rejoined for our teaching practice sessions. Returning to school was very exciting thing for me. I cocluded the chapter Population, Migration and Settlement in standard IX. Settlement, types of settlement, criteria for becoming urban settlement, problems faced by urban centers and remedial measures were discussed. Students were attentive and actively engaged in activities. Previous year question paper discussed in remaining classes. In short the whole passed by in slow paced.
Activities of the week
Bishop Stanley Roman Sapthathi Scholarship Examination
The scholarship examination was held on 7th December Wednesday in the afternoon from 1.30 pm to 2.30 pm for upper primary and high school.We teacher trainees also actively involved in the examination conducting process.
Football Tournament
A football tournament was held at school on Friday from 3.00 pm onwards as a part of showing an enthusiastic spirit to the FIFA World Cup 2022. The teams participated wore jerseys of their favourite countries and was very much energetic and enthusiastic. It was much a delight to watch them play. The entire school gathered to watch them and the game was a befitting conclusion to a very lively week.
Week 5 - 12- 12-2022 - 16-12-2022
Previous question papers were discussed for there second terminal examinations. Explained concepts which students have doubts. Second terminal examination started at 14th December. We were given the duty of helping teachers for sorting the question papers for different classes and also helping them in collecting answer sheets of each examinations. We also engaged in arranging the answer sheets in order. This provided me new experience of understanding the need and effort putforth by the teaching and non teaching faculties in the process of conducting examination. Rest of time engaged in preparing lesson plan for teaching in January section.
Week 6 - 19-12-2022- 23-12-2022
We did the same duties but each day gave a different experience and we were more enthusiastic in doing it and also gave us the pleasure of working in unity. Going to each class to collect papers was also a different experience because the students attittudes in writing exams and the way they sit in the exam Hall, their actions and behaviours were also funny and interesting and different. The way teachers handled those students also provided as an experience of how to handle such students in future. This process makes a complete sense of the real meaning of our training period.
Activities of the week
Chrismas day celebration
Last day was Christmas celebration before vacation. We teacher were informed to came in red dresses. We reached the school a bit earlier than usual. Because we are assigned to prepare the drama team for program. It was very nice experience. Since it was a boy school, little boys were dressen as angels. All the students and teachers from both high school and higher secondary was present. Different programmea were performed by students.
After Christmas vacation school reopened on 3rd January 2023 Tuesday. Students were cheerful after Christmas vacation and bit tensed about there answer sheets. Second terminal question paper were discussed in the classroom. Then seventh chapter For A Safer Future started in IX standard. Environmental diversities, need of environmental protection, natural phenomenon, natural hazards, landslide were discussed. In VIII standard lifestyle diseases, irregular eating habits, causes of heart diseases, stroke were discussed. In second class yoga were practiced thalsana were demonstrated in the class and given efficient explanation. Also vitamins, fat soluble vitamins, lack of nutrition resources of vitamins, diseases due to lack of vitamins were discussed. 6th January was also working day. The students have class only upto 1pm. Charts, power point presentation, vedios were used as teaching aids. Skill of reinforcement, skill of blackboard, skill of explanation were improved. This week was cool and happy one.
Week - 8 (09-01-2023 - 13-01-2023)
I continued the same chapter along with activities. Landslide, causes of land slide, precautionary measures, earthquake, causes of earthquake, earthquake intensive zones in India were discussed. This week our general teacher visited for class observation . She pointed out that include extra information other than from textbook. She also noticed inattentiveness of some students. New chapter Water on Earth started and discussed about water as life and water cycle.I have taken leave for last two days of the week due to throat infection.
Week - 9 (16-01-2023 - 20-012023)
Last week in our school internship program. Concluded the chapter For a Safer Future in IX D. Disaster mitigation measures for land slide, flood, drought, lightening becoming awareness to them. Government mechanism for disaster mitigation were new information to them. New chapter Towards a Bright Future started. Discussed what is social problem, different social problems in India. In VIII standard new chapter Social groups and social control started. Social group, different social groups in our surroundings, classification of social groups, social control, means of social control, formal and informal social control were discussed. Students were enthusiastic to know about groups in there surroundings. Achievement test were held for VIII E about chapter Blanket of the Earth. Remedial teaching were given during work experience period and after lunch break. Diagnostic test were given for weak students. Also taken Conscientization about cyber crimes. They get idea about the after effects of misuse of social media mobile phones and internet. In last classes rivised previous lessons. These fortydays were unforgettable. It provided experience to handle students in future.
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